The Auto Critic – Independent Pre-Purchase Auto Inspection – Dallas, North Dallas

Mobile Pre-Purchase Used Car Inspections in Dallas, Texas

When looking for a pre-purchase car inspection in Dallas, go with the name you can trust. For over 20 years we have been providing Dallas-area mobile auto inspections. We only hire certified mechanics with over 5 years of experience, with a dedication to the details. If you are purchasing a mobile used vehicle inspection in Dallas-area, give the Auto Critic a call today at 972-386-8388.

Why Not A General Mechanic?

Mustang dashMechanics at a most shops are not in this business of used car evaluations, specifically. Our inspections are a regimented routine, designed to expose items often overlooked. Remember, Auto Critic does not fix/repair worn/failed components. Our mission is to provide you with an unbiased opinion as to the true mechanical condition of a used vehicle; not to quote and sell services a vehicle typically needs at given intervals. Many shops simply list all “recommended” services without quantifying specifics. If a seller has repairs done on items identified in an inspection, it is often possible for them to provide receipts or even picture/video of corrected issues.

Mobile Service

Auto Critic is a 100% mobile service. We travel to location for a used car to be inspected (your home, place of employment, seller’s location, or a car dealership).  We are fully equipped to evaluate all aspects of a used vehicle.  We lift vehicles and are able to give a more precise review of a vehicle from that standing. Most mobile services DO NOT lift vehicles and some do not even test drive.

Texas Lemon Law information